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Helpline and support
With 144 years of experience, we are the second oldest homeless mission in the country and the oldest in Pennsylvania, housing some 240 men each night. More than just a meal and a bed, we build relationships with our guests to give them hope and reorient their lives. Our faith is the foundation.
With 144 years of experience, we are the second oldest homeless mission in the country and the oldest in Pennsylvania, housing some 240 men each night. More than just a meal and a bed, we build relationships with our guests to give them hope and reorient their lives. Our faith is the foundation.
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Church Plant and Construction
Construction of a village church in Boca Chica.
Staff and Volunteer Housing Construction
Construction projects ranging from storage buildings, to electrical work and tile installation for staff housing over the past 3 years.
Upcoming Project in 2025
The King’s Hammer and The Hands and Feet Project are currently coordinating a trip for early 2025. This trip will come alongside the local Bureau for the Protection of Minors (BPM) and renovate an existing holding and shelter facility. Our team members will be working with vulnerable street boys to share Christ and teach them valuable construction skills that can help them in the future.
Skilled Hands, Faithful Hearts: Rebuilding Lives Beyond Walls
Join us building futures, transforming lives through gospel-driven construction.